It’s another month gone by, and WhatsApp is still rolling out some exciting features. A few new features and improvements appeared on the app in November 2023, some of which have already been implemented on the stable version and some that are still being tested. Now, let’s jump into what you can expect on WhatsApp with these changes. These are the new features you can now access no matter if you’re in the Beta program or not. If you’ve not received them yet, ensure you have updated your app.
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November 2024 Stable: New WhatsApp Features
Transcribe Voice Messages
WhatsApp now transcribes voice messages, one of the features that makes it easier to read a message when you may not be able to listen to it. Now this feature is rolling out to every user on Android and iPhone that was once in Beta.
New Typing Indicators
WhatsApp has deprecated the previous “Typing…” indicator with a modernized, animated take, like the one found in apps such as Instagram and iMessage. Make the typing state more beautiful and animated.
Status Update Reminders
Similar to Instagram story notifications, WhatsApp now alerts you when there are new status updates available from your contacts. If you do not want to have these notifications pop up, you can deactivate this feature in the notification settings at any point in time.
Message Drafts
With the new message drafts feature, you can save messages you haven’t sent yet as drafts so you can easily continue where you left off. Many users like to pause their chats and pick them up again later, and this feature of pausing conversations has finally graduated from Beta to stable.
Add Captions to GIFs
You can now add captions to animated GIFs before sending them with WhatsApp, giving you greater control over animated content shared with friends and family.
How do I transcribe WhatsApp voice messages?
Transcription of voice messages is now available on both Android and iPhone. Simply update your WhatsApp app, and you’ll be able to read the content of voice notes.
What are WhatsApp’s new “Add Yours” stickers?
The “Add Yours” stickers, currently in beta, let users share status updates in a chain, similar to Instagram. Tapping on the sticker allows others to contribute their status updates.