Aman Kumar, the son of renowned filmmaker Indra Kumar, is set to make his acting debut in the upcoming film Tera Yaar Hoon Main. The action flick helmed by Milap Milan Zaveri, commenced its first shooting schedule at a Mumbai studio today, opening up a new chapter in the career of the young actor. The film promises to be a heartthrob for the audience thanks to its intriguing story and an action-packed star cast.
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Aman Kumar Set to Make Acting Debut in Tera Yaar Hoon Main with Paresh Rawal and Akanksha Sharma
And now Aman is all set to step into the limelight, taking over from his father, known for helming mega-hits like Dil, Beta, and Masti. This is an eagerly awaited debut, the fans are missing his face on screen. Also joining the star cast of the film are Paresh Rawal and Akanksha Sharma playing pivotal roles.
This musical drama offers a drama-filled dose of entertainment courtesy of Ajay Murdia and Bina Indra Kumar and their respective banners of Indra Enterprises and BIK Productions. The makers intend to shoot still in December, aiming to wrap shooting by January 2025. Judging by its premise, fans are already foaming at the sort of romance, comedy, and action this new genre will bring to the box office.
The film’s Mahurat has been the recent talk of the town and we see Aamir Khan and Ajay Devgn bless the project with the newbie Aman Indra Kumar. Its themes of love, friendship, and brotherhood were on full display at this ceremony, which presaged the film’s long road ahead. However, Milap Milan Zaveri, the ultimate storyteller is back in the romantic genre with music, action-packed cum vigilante mass entertainer which finds its way to the mindsets of the common man.
Tera Yaar Hoon Main is all set to enthrall audiences with a feast as promising as its line-up since a prodigy directs it and an equally thrilling ensemble cast along with an equally talented director at the helm- we are assured of an unforgettable ride when the film releases in 2025.
When does Tera Yaar Hoon Main release?
The film is set to release in 2025.
Who is making their acting debut in Tera Yaar Hoon Main?
Aman Kumar, son of filmmaker Indra Kumar, is making his debut.