Realme GT 7 Pro is expected to launch in India later this month and ahead of its debut, the AnTuTu benchmark score for the phone has allegedly leaked. It is interesting to note that Realme GT 7 Pro has even outscored the iPhone 16 Pro Max, which goes on to prove once again that Snapdragon’s flagship chip present inside the GT 7 Pro can fight and win against Apple SoC A18.
More About the Realme GT 7 Pro Performance
It was just revealed by OnLeaks in collaboration with Smartprix that the Realme GT 7 Pro managed to score an impressive AnTuTu score of 3,025,991 thanks to its Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset. For reference, the iPhone 16 Pro Max managed to score 1,651,728 which is lower than Realme device performance levels.
It’s important to note that the AnTuTu benchmark for Android operates on the Vulkan graphics API, while the iOS version uses the Metal graphics API. In contrast, the Realme GT 7 Pro was tested on a newer version of AnTuTu than what ran on iPhone and it’s unclear under which conditions both phones were used for testing. Still, that’s a very impressive score for any Realme flagship to beat an Apple one.
The upcoming Snapdragon 8 Elite, for example, has already beaten the A18 Pro according to leaked Geekbench multi-core scores. That is also a big leap from its predecessor, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 which only reached around good scores of about in-house testing. While the A18 Pro features a 2+4 Hexa-core setup, the Snapdragon 8 Elite boasts a 2+6 octa-core configuration and a higher top clock speed of 4.37 GHz compared to the A18 Pro’s 4.0 GHz.
Qualcomm is believed to utilize a newly developed Nuvia architecture and Oryon CPU, which stems from a company founded by former Apple engineers that Qualcomm acquired in 2021. This chip rivalry is poised to become increasingly competitive, with Android devices like the GT 7 Pro potentially benefiting from these advancements.
What is the expected launch date for the Realme GT 7 Pro in India?
The Realme GT 7 Pro is anticipated to launch in India this month.
What is the AnTuTu benchmark score of the Realme GT 7 Pro?
The Realme GT 7 Pro reportedly achieved an AnTuTu score of 3,025,991.