Realme GT 7 Pro will also be launching later in India this year, alongside its global debut. The Realme Race GT is likely to be unveiled as the brand’s next flagship could run on Qualcomm’s next-gen Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 chipset. The Realme GT 7 Pro was recently spotted on China’s 3C certification facility by 91mobiles. The listing offered some early information about the fast charging capability of the phone and indicated that it could launch soon.
Leaks About the Realme GT 7 Pro
The model number RMX5010 is associated with the aforementioned Realme GT 7 Pro in a recent radio certification, and it’s also what we see over on the 3C platform. The availability of 120W fast charging mentioned in the listing hints that it could be a key highlight feature contributing to super-fast power replenishment on the phone. Although Realme has yet to confirm it officially, this certification means that the Realme GT 7 Pro is not far from launching in China. A previous leak had also hinted at the phone being announced in the initial days of November, adding another plank to this theory.
In terms of the design, recent leaked renders suggest that we could expect a new look from the Realme GT 7 Pro. The aforementioned is contradictory to the circular camera design seen on the Realme GT 5 Pro with three camera sensors and an LED flash inside. The GT 7 Pro is also likely to come in a White variant, with curved edges, and power and volume buttons placed on the right side of the frame.
In terms of specs, the Realme GT 7 Pro is expected to include a 1.5K display, at least 16GB of RAM, and a large 6,000mAh battery. The smartphone will reportedly feature a triple rear camera setup, led by a 50MP sensor. Additionally, the Realme GT 7 Pro is rumored to come with IP69 water and dust resistance, making it highly durable and versatile for everyday use.
What is the expected price of the Realme GT 7 Pro?
The expected price of the Realme GT 7 Pro has not been officially announced yet.
When is the Realme GT 7 Pro launching?
The Realme GT 7 Pro is expected to launch in early November.