Alongside the launch of the iPhone 12 series, MagSafe has also launched its MagSafe Duo Wireless Charger for the iPhone 12 series. For the magnetic technology on the rear panel of the iPhone 12 series, they can be charged wireless by this MagSafe device. Recently, a piece of news has just come out that the pricing of MagSafe Duo wireless charger, leather sleeves, and leather cases for the new iPhone 12 series on the Apple store and the Indian price has been revealed as well. In the earlier days, the pricing and availability of those devices were not confirmed whereas even today also we don’t know anything about the availability, but we know the pricing from the listing of the Apple store.
Let’s check out the pricing of those products. The MagSafe Duo Wireless charger carries a price tag of Rs. 13,900 in India and $129 in the United States. This device is listed as “coming soon” on the Apple store. As per the regular MagSafe charger, it carries a price tag of Rs. 4,500 in India and $39 in the United States. You will get the USB-C cable inside the charger box whereas the adapter will have to be purchased separately.
Now coming to the leather sleeve cases, these are priced at Rs. 12,900 in India and $129 in the US. These leather sleeves come in four different color variants: Product Red, Saddle Brown, Pink Citrus, and Baltic Blue. Now, these are leather sleeve cases. In terms of the regular leather cases of the iPhone 12 series, these cases carry a price tag of Rs. 5,900 in India and $59 in the US. These cases are available in five different color variants: Baltic Blue, California Poppy, Saddle Brown, Black, and Product Red. Both of those cases support MagSafe wireless charging.