Apple has launched its iPhone 12 series a few hours ago. In that same event, Apple has also introduced some of its accessories too, like the Beats Flex earphones. These earphones offer wireless features for a relatively bargain price. These new products share a “neck bud” form-factor with the Powerbeats. This product from Apple is quite similar to the OnePlus Bullets Wireless Z in looks. The main highlight of this product is it is a budget wireless earphones whereas it features the W1 chipset from the original AirPods. Let’s get into the specifications and highlights of this device.
The Beats Flex earphones offer seamless pairing with any and all of a given user’s Apple mobile devices, Class 1 Bluetooth, and potentially superior connection integrity and Audio Sharing. This allows the same stream to be synced across multiple Beats- or Apple-branded audio devices. You will also get the accurate bass and ultra-low distortion in these earphones, credit to its “advanced acoustic platform”. Also, these earphones boast automatic pausing as a result of connecting them at the earbuds with their integrated magnets.
Regarding the availability, the Beats Flex earphones are now available in Apple’s web-store. This device is available in two different colors: Beats Black and Yuzu Yellow and it has a price tag of US$49.99. So, the pricing of the earphones is quite budget-friendly. There are two more color variants of this product: Flame Blue and Smoke Gray. But those variants will only go on sale later in winter this year.
When will the Beats flex available in India Store?