In a groundbreaking move, Gameskraft Technology Pvt Ltd., celebrated as one of the fastest-growing online skill-based gaming enterprises in India, has unveiled its innovative Safety Ambassadors League. This pioneering initiative is dedicated to nurturing a culture of safety and readiness among its workforce, positioning employees as proactive champions of safety for themselves and their families.
Gameskraft launches Safety Ambassadors League to foster a culture of safety and preparedness among employees
The official launch of the Safety Ambassadors League was graced by the esteemed presence of Retd. Deputy Commissioner of Police, S S Naik, a highly decorated officer recognized with the President’s Police Medal for meritorious service and the Karnataka State Chief Minister Gold Medal in 1998 and 2004. The event was marked by engaging sessions that covered crucial topics including personal safety, medical safety, fire safety, and strategies for disaster management and emergency evacuation.
Spanning a comprehensive curriculum, the league includes 20 essential training sessions—both live and online—across these critical themes. These sessions are designed to equip Gameskraft employees, along with their families and friends, with vital skills and knowledge to enhance their safety and preparedness.
The personal safety session, led by Mr. Varun Rawat, Founder and Chief Instructor at Kavach Defence System, provided over 150 attendees with practical self-defense techniques. Furthermore, Capt. Shakil Ahmed, SVP of Organizational Resilience, Real Estate & Workplace Services at Gameskraft, underscored the significance of Situational Awareness, Critical Thinking, and Decision Making in Personal Safety during his insightful presentation.
As the Safety Ambassadors League progresses into its next phases in March and April, it will expand to encompass additional themes in collaboration with various partners. For instance, Usha Armour, renowned for its innovative solutions in safeguarding life and property, will lead the sessions on fire safety and disaster management and emergency evacuation. Additionally, Gameskraft is set to collaborate with St Johns Ambulance Service for Build-a-Box (First Aid) and Medical Safety Trivia events, offering comprehensive training on Basic First Aid, CPR, and AED.
Capt. Shakil Ahmed remarked, “Launching during National Safety Week, the Safety Ambassadors League is a testament to Gameskraft’s unwavering dedication to ensuring the safety and well-being of our employees and their families. This initiative not only elevates safety consciousness but also strengthens the bonds of community and cooperation. As our employees embark on this journey, armed with new skills and enthusiasm, the league stands as a shining example of our commitment to safety advocacy and fostering a resilient community.”
The league promises an array of interactive activities, from hands-on simulations to educational games, all designed to reinforce learning and promote teamwork. This engaging approach ensures that participants have a captivating and enriching experience, further solidifying the league’s mission to empower and protect.
With the Safety Ambassadors League, Gameskraft Technology Pvt Ltd. is setting a new standard in workplace safety, demonstrating how companies can play a pivotal role in promoting the welfare of their employees and extending the benefits of safety education beyond the office walls.