Xiaomi is gearing up to launch its Xiaomi 14 smartphone in India on March 7. This model was unveiled alongside the Xiaomi 14 Ultra at MWC 2024. Ahead of the reveal, the expected price of the Xiaomi 14 in India has been leaked online. Let’s delve into the predicted price of this flagship in the country. As per details shared by @yabhishekhd, the device will hit the shelves in a configuration offering 12GB RAM and 512GB storage at a cost of ₹74,999. However, it is anticipated to be available for purchase at ₹65,000.
The All New Xiaomi 14
In terms of its specifications, the smartphone made its debut in China back in October. It comes equipped with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC coupled with the Adreno 750 GPU and features a 4,610 mAh battery supporting fast charging at speeds of up to 90W wired and up to 50W wirelessly. The device features a vibrant 6.36-inch LTPO AMOLED display boasting a crisp 1.5K resolution and an adaptive 120Hz refresh rate. The phone also includes dual stereo speakers enhanced with Dolby Atmos technology and runs, on HyperOS based on Android14 out of the box.
When it comes to its camera features the device boasts a camera setup that includes a 50MP Leica main camera, with OIS a 50MP ultrawide lens with a 115-degree field of view, and another 50MP Leica telephoto lens with OIS. It has the ability to shoot 4K videos at 60fps or 8K videos at 30fps. Additionally, it sports a front-facing 32MP camera for selfies.
Alongside the Xiaomi 14, it is anticipated that the brand will also introduce the Xiaomi 14 Ultra in India. The recent teaser from Xiaomi suggested the launch of more than one Xiaomi 14 series smartphone in the country. Therefore, we should stay tuned for the event scheduled for March 7.