According to the HP Anti-Counterfeiting and Fraud (ACF) report, counterfeit HP products valued at approximately INR 30 crore were seized in India from November 2022 to October 2023. During this period, law enforcement authorities in India, with support from HP’s Anti-Counterfeiting initiatives, successfully removed nearly 4.4 lakh illicit items from the market.
These items include several counterfeit toner and ink cartridges, preventing their circulation and potential sale to unsuspecting consumers. Notably, the majority of these operations occurred in Mumbai, where over one lakh illicit items were confiscated.
Counterfeit HP ink toners & cartridges valued close to INR 30 crore seized in India
HP’s Anti-Counterfeiting and Fraud (ACF) Program aims to protect markets and consumers from counterfeits of HP products, while also raising awareness about the scale and severity of the fraudulent printing supplies market in India. Counterfeit ink and toner cartridges might resemble HP originals but are often of poor quality. They pose significant risks for end users, such as sub-standard printout quality, printer downtime, extra costs due to counterfeit cartridge leakage, and loss of money due to non-functioning counterfeit cartridges, among other issues.
Sunish Raghavan, Senior Director, Printing Systems, HP India, emphasized the company’s commitment to protecting customers in India from counterfeit products through its Anti-Counterfeiting and Fraud Program. This initiative ensures that individuals receive authentic HP products, upholding quality standards and safeguarding consumer interests.
HP empowers customers to verify the authenticity of their printing supplies through initiatives like the Customer Delivery Inspection service, instilling confidence and peace of mind. The company collaborates with law enforcement agencies and conducts ongoing awareness initiatives to combat counterfeiting, preserve customer trust, and uphold industry standards.
In 2023, notable seizures by local enforcement authorities in India, supported by HP, included the following examples:
- February 2023, Mumbai area: Authorities thwarted a scheme manufacturing counterfeit cartridges for HP printers and selling them online, seizing approximately 25,000 illicit items.
- March 2023, Delhi and Mumbai areas: Two targeted enforcement actions in March thwarted two large operations manufacturing counterfeit printing supplies for HP printers, resulting in the seizure of around 14,000 illicit items.
- April 2023, Kolkata area: Authorities thwarted an operation assembling counterfeit ink and toner cartridges for HP Printers, confiscating more than 17,000 illicit items.
- May 2023, Mumbai area: Authorities took action against two operations trading in counterfeit printing supplies for HP printers, removing over 45,000 illicit items from the markets.
- June/July 2023, Mumbai area: Indian officials seized more than 9,000 illicit items from two operations involved in counterfeiting of printing supplies for HP printers.
- October 2023, Mumbai area: Indian officials seized a total of around 11,000 illegal items in a scheme to manufacture and sell counterfeit printing supplies for HP printers.
In India, HP offers its free Customer Delivery Inspection (CDI) service, primarily designed for corporate customers such as enterprises and public-sector institutions. In 2023 alone, HP conducted about 300 Customer Delivery Inspections for customers in India, providing a non-binding invitation for customers to request a free inspection if they suspect counterfeits in a large or mid-sized printing supplies delivery.
The company runs its dedicated Anti-Counterfeiting and Fraud (ACF) Program, taking decisive action against counterfeit printing supplies for HP printers. HP works with enforcement authorities around the world to help them seize counterfeit products, providing intelligence and guidance. Customers can access helpful guidance on how to avoid counterfeit cartridges on HP’s anti-counterfeiting website,
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