Pebble has yet again reaffirmed its position as a design leader in the Indian smartwatch market with the launch of Pebble Hive, the first-ever smartwatch with an octagonal dial. Moving beyond the world of mundane square & round dials, Pebble Hive sports a massive 6-sided octagonal 1.39” HD display, and boasts DIY Watch Faces, with a boxful of customization options. Priced at a special launch price of just Rs 1,499, the Hive, with the most unique shape, advanced calling specs, magnetic charging and unique features like the world clock, has been introduced exclusively on and
Pebble’s co-founder Komal Agarwal spoke about the inspiration behind the smartwatch, “Most of us are hustling day and night, just like a bee, constantly moving forward to ensure we strike the right balance. Hive is an ode to everyone who is working towards making their dreams come true. It inspires them to break the shackles of ordinary and move towards excellence. In a world of squares and rounds, lets #BeHive and shine among the crowd.”
Ananth Narayanan, Founder & CEO of Mensa Brands, said, “Hive reiterates our commitment to offer a design first smartwatch with premium features at affordable price points. We shall continue to move in this direction and provide our consumers with products that resonate with their state of mind, and are loaded with features, enabling them to choose beyond the ordinary.”
Pebble breaks the mould with Hive, 1st ever smartwatch with Octagonal Dial and DIY watchfaces
Pebble Hive comes in three colour variants – Black, Blue and Green – and 500 NITS brightness for vision clarity during the daytime. The smartwatch further goes beyond calling and connectivity, as it has Voice Assistant for a truly hands-free experience. It also boasts an upgraded health suite that includes an activity tracker consisting of Heart Rate, SpO2, and Sleep Monitoring. With more than 100 Sports Modes, it enables the user to conquer every sport. With a long-lasting battery and Magnetic charging, you can enjoy these features nonstop.
This Made-In-India smartwatch has multiple utility-based features like World Clock, Alarm, Calculator, Calendar, Weather Update and Inbuilt Games. Being IP 67 certified, it is water and dust-resistant. Crafted with Elegance, grab your Pebble Hive at or Flipkart and indulge in its craftsmanship and style.
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