Qualcomm has announced its second Snapdragon 700 series chipset dubbed Snapdragon 750G with support for both mmWave and sub-6GHz 5G using an integrated X52 5G modem and improved CPU and graphics performance than the last year’s Snapdragon 730G. It brings several improvements over the Snapdragon 730G and lies between the Snapdragon 690 and Snapdragon 765G.
The new chip is an improved version of 2019’s Snapdragon 730G which now features the new Kryo 570 CPU which uses Cortex-A77 cores clocked at 2.2GHz which offers with a 20 percent performance improvement over the Kryo 470 found in Snapdragon 730G and this new SoC uses the Adreno 619 GPU which is said to offer 10 percent improvement over the Snapdragon 730G.
The Adreno 619 GPU in Snapdragon 750G supports 120 Hz display of up to 1080p resolution and adds Game Color Plus and Adreno HDR Fast Blend for efficient HDR 10 rendering.
Overall the new Snapdragon 750G offers better performance than the superior 765G and 768G at least on paper but it isn’t there to replace them but it could mean that Qualcomm is planning to refresh its 700 series chipsets in the near future.
One of the main highlights of the latest Snapdragon 750G is the X52 5G modem which can be also found on the Snapdragon 765G. The X52 modem supports mmWave 5G with maximum download speeds of 3.7 Gbps along with the support for sub 6 standard while the X51 modem used in Snapdragon 690 supports Sub-6 only. Qualcomm is marketing Snapdragon 750G as a truly global 5G chipset with support for multi-SIM.
The 750G offers the fifth-gen AI engine which can be found on the flagship-grade Qualcomm chipsets which offers a 20 percent increase in AI performance. The new AI engine also powers up the AI-based echo cancellation and noise suppression.
First Snapdragon 750G powered smartphone is expected to arrive by the end of this year and Xiaomi is going to make that first smartphone to hit the market with the 750G.