There were a lot of rumors from a few days about the launch of the new Samsung F series in India. Finally, it is confirmed by the company itself that they will bring a new F series of Samsung in the upcoming days. It is also expected that the first smartphone in the upcoming new Samsung Galaxy F series may be priced under Rs. 20,000 in India, which is rumored to be called the Galaxy F41.
The South Korean tech giant Samsung has a pretty huge market all over the world. It is mainly known for its mid-range to premium quality smartphones. A couple of years ago, Samsung had introduced its mid-range smartphone series, which was the M-series. We all know that M-series smartphones from Samsung have made a huge impact on the mid-range smartphone market and it is still running.
Now Samsung has decided to expand its mid-range smartphone portfolio by introducing the Galaxy F series in India. Samsung has already announced that F-series smartphones will come in the Indian market with a price tag between Rs. 15,000 and Rs. 20,000.
This means we can expect the phones of the F-series will be really pocket-friendly. According to the company, the first phone of that series will get launched in India next month via the online market. The company has also added that F-series phones will be basically camera-centric handsets. Just like the M-series smartphones, the F-series are claimed to focus on the online market initially. Also, the F-series will make its focus on its camera modules mainly. So it will be a blessing to the mobile photographers in a pocket-friendly budget.