IPL has finally started on Saturday after a long wait. Chennai Super Kings faced Mumbai Indians in the inaugural match of IPL this year. Before that Indian Esports Gaming Community is now come up with a truly entertaining Valorant tournament for the Esports lovers of India.
The tournament is between 8 teams who will be featured as 8 different IPL teams. The organizer, Skyesports, has invited some professional teams and some influencers in this tournament to make it a successful tournament. All the matches are streaming on the youtube channel of Skyesports.
Today 4 matches were played and on tomorrow 4 more matches will be played. After that top 4 teams will qualify for the semi-final. Semi-finals and the final will be played on 21st September.
In the first match, the team featuring Mumbai, leading by PUBG professional player Tanmoy ‘Scout’ Singh beat Team Tamilas of Chennai in overtime.
The second match was between Delhi and Kolkata. Noble Esports is representing Delhi in this tournament. Whereas Velocity Gaming is representing Kolkata. These two teams arguably the best two teams in this tournament and the title contenders as well. However, this time, the team from Kolkata got the better of Team Delhi.
Team Bengaluru faced Team Rajasthan in the 3rd match of today’s afternoon. Global Esports is representing Bengaluru and TSM Entity is representing Rajasthan. Global Esports won the tie after an exciting battle.
The last match was between Punjab and Hyderabad. Team Punjab, leading by Rohan ‘HydraFlick’ Ledwani faced OR Esports of Hyderabad. This was also a thrilling battle between these two teams. Hyderabad won the match at last.
The tournament has started very well as expected earlier. Indian Esports fans are looking forward to the next two days of the tournament.
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