WhatsApp has introduced a significant update for iPhone users, enabling them to share photos and videos on the messaging platform in their original quality. This means that WhatsApp for iOS users can now send media without compression, eliminating the need for alternative methods to share high-quality content.
The improvement builds on a recent enhancement allowing users to send media in high resolution, or “HD quality,” addressing the platform’s previous limitation on low-quality media sharing. The latest feature goes a step further by completely bypassing compression, ensuring that shared content maintains its original quality.
The All New WhatsApp Update
This feature is part of the latest 23.24.73 update on WhatsApp for iOS, found on the App Store. Users can now seamlessly send media in its original quality as a file, deviating from the previous update that improved quality but still involved compression. The changelog indicates a gradual rollout over the coming weeks, meaning not all users will immediately have access.
To utilize this feature, users can open an existing chat or initiate a new one on WhatsApp. Tapping the “+” icon to the left of the text input field, users navigate to Document ➝ Choose Photo or Video. After selecting the desired media, confirmation is done by tapping the blue arrow. It’s important to note a 2GB limit on files sent using this feature.
An important change accompanies the sending of files – media previews will not be displayed in the chat window. Recipients can tap the files to view them, introducing an element of surprise to shared content. WhatsApp is also experimenting with a similar feature for Android users, though specific availability details are currently unavailable.
Furthermore, WhatsApp has recently introduced the Secret Code feature for chats, a notable privacy update. While users could previously add a lock to their private chats, a loophole existed where the same fingerprint password used to unlock the phone could be used for WhatsApp’s private chats. With the new Secret Code feature, users can create a unique password with words or emojis to secure chats, adding an extra layer of security.