WhatsApp has initiated testing for a fresh interface on Android, marking the fruition of their efforts to redesign this renowned messaging application. The updated interface sheds WhatsApp’s iconic green-colored top bar in favor of a white one, both in the main chat list and within individual chats. Furthermore, this new design adheres to Google’s Material Design 3 guidelines, enhancing the appearance, especially in dark mode. WhatsApp has also introduced new ‘outline’ icons for various buttons within the app through the latest beta update.
The All New WhatsApp Beta Update
The revamped interface has been unveiled through WhatsApp beta for Android version Once testers install this beta version, they will encounter the transformed interface featuring a white top bar with WhatsApp’s name displayed in green. This stands in contrast to the current stable version where the app’s name is in white atop a dark green background. With a dark theme enabled, the top bar transitions to black while maintaining the white text.
The social media app has also fine-tuned the shade of the green accent used throughout the app, encompassing both light and dark themes. Consequently, the green accent, found in elements such as the floating action button (FAB), appears slightly brighter, particularly in dark mode.
In addition to these color adjustments on the Android, the app has replaced solid icons for voice and video calls within individual chats, as well as the camera icon in the main chat list, with outlines of the existing icons. These icons were initially spotted last month by a feature tracker in version of WhatsApp beta for Android.
The application is also in the process of revamping the color palette for its iOS application, alongside incorporating the new outline icons. These design enhancements were recently sighted in WhatsApp beta for iOS version Contrary to its Android counterpart, the stable version of WhatsApp for iOS does not feature a green top bar.
While the updated interface seems to be absent from iOS beta testers, both Android and iOS platforms are expected to receive support for new chat filters like All, Unread, Contacts, and Groups. These filters, in conjunction with the redesigned interface, are anticipated to roll out to stable channel users in the forthcoming months.