Rohit Shetty is near to venturing into the OTT space with his first web series, Indian Police Force, Starring Sidharth Malhotra, Shilpa Shetty, and Vivek Oberoi, the web show was announced on April 20, 2022. It was reported that the filmmaker’s first digital plan would be released on Amazon Prime Video during Diwali weekend (2023). But, according to Bollywood Hungama, the makers have decided to delay its OTT release.
Indian Police Force’s OTT release delayed?
The latest expansion on the Indian Police Force is that Rohit and the streaming platform have supposedly decided to delay the release.
About the change in plan, a foundation told the entertainment portal; while the series is ready for its introduction, Rohit Shetty and team Amazon Prime have taken a strategic move to delay the series from the Diwali weekend. It’s a result taken in the best interest of the series, as the makers didn’t want to clash with the ongoing cricket World Cup. The digital conversations everywhere during the Diwali period will revolve around two things – Cricket World Cup and Tiger 3 – besides Amazon is clear on not being the third high-quality of audience.”
The makers will deceptively announce the Indian Police Force,’s release date this week. This series is a leeway of Rohit’s cop universe from the silver screen to a platform.
Rohit got injured on the Indian Police Force set
For the unaware, Rohit got incapacitated during the shoot of his first OTT series, Indian Police Force, Sharing his health update, the film producer had earlier informed on Instagram, “From Cirkus to my accident on set, my team and I have gone through a lot in the last few work weeks! WE RISE, WE FALL, BUT WE RISE AGAIN NOT JUST TO FIGHT THE BATTLE, BUT TO WIN IT!!! (sic).”