It was coming, and finally, all of the Barca presidential candidates including Jordi Farré, Víctor Font and Lluís Fernández-Alà have taken the stand to remove Bartomeu and his board of directors immediately.
This means that if all of the three candidates become successful jointly to gather 16,000 necessary signatures of social then Bartomeu has no chance but resigning. Obviously, collecting these many signatures in this situation will be difficult, and to comment on that:
“The handicap is important, but we cannot change the context that exists. We will pass on to the club a battery of proposals to make the process as easy and safe for all members. We are in the midst of a pandemic, and perhaps some of the usual procedures. We hope that Barça will provide facilities “, said Marc Duch, president of ‘Manifest Blaugrana’.
He been in charge of taking the floor on behalf of the three presidential candidates along with eight culé opinion groups: Compromissaris FCB, Dignitat Blaugrana, El Cor Blaugrana, El Senyor Ramon, La Resistència del Palau, Manifest Blaugrana, Seguiment FCB, and # Noiestwitterbarça.
This vote of no-confidence has been presented on Friday morning through a telematic press conference and it demands “the immediate resignation of the entire board of directors” and calls on all Barça members to “turn their heads with this motion given the very, very complicated moment that the club is experiencing”.
Obviously, this vote of no-confidence is historic as it has never been in the club history before because there was no stubborn man like Bartomeu before as the president.
He has even encouraged all the members to offer their premises or space to collect signatures. In this pandemic doing this is a tough job but for Barcelona fans, Messi is more important than anything.
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