Indian head coach Igor Stimac reportedly took the guidance of an astrologer to select the teams for the Asian Games Qualifiers last summer. The Blue Tigers lost to Jordan but defeated Cambodia, Afghanistan, and Hong Kong in three successive games to finish at the top of their group and qualify for Asian Games.
The AIFF secretary general at the time, Kushal Das, introduced Stimac to Bhupesh Sharma, the astrologer. He was paid between Rs 12-15 lakhs for his services over two months. There were over 100 messages exchanged between Igor Stimac and Sharma, with the astrologer influencing his team selection for the important games.
Igor Stimac took guidance of astrologer for Asian Games Qualifiers line-up
Stimac said that Sharma “was recommended to me and I was convinced (by others) that I have to check upon his possible effects in sports.”
The national team manager has been criticised for speaking against the AIFF decisions, in what has been deemed a breach of contract. He has been vocal about his desire for ISL clubs to release players for the national team. However, the clubs have decided against this and his public comments have caused the board to issue him a show-cause.
“I didn’t, pardon my language now, come to India to lick a**es,” he told The Indian Express. “I came to India to help. If you want my help, I need to tell you the truth. You can face it, you can help me to overcome the problems or you can tell me we’re not going to change anything, please coach go home, and I will go home happily and we’re going to stay friends.”