Mukul Sharma has again spotted the Vivo Y20 and Y20i smartphones along with its specifications. According to the tipster, the phones will be launched in India soon. The company has not revealed anything officially but all thanks to Mukul Sharma for sharing all the render images and specifications of the smartphones. The Vivo Y20 and Y20i will be mid-range devices and might be priced within Rs.12,000 to Rs.15,000 price range in India. Most probably these devices will be Flipkart Unique products. So, let’s see what happens next and until then let’s have a look in the details and specifications.
Specifications of Vivo Y20
The phone will come with a 6.51-inch Full view display with a drop notch design. Vivo Y20 will have a triple rear camera setup including a 13MP main rear camera, a 2MP bokeh camera, and a 2MP macro camera. It will come with an 8MP front selfie camera housed in the drop-notch of the phone. Y20 will feature a Snapdragon 460 processor paired with a 4GB RAM. It will run on FunTouch OS 10.5 based on Android 10. The phone will be powered with a 5,000mAh battery and will support 18W fast charging. Vivo Y20 will have a side-mounted fingerprint scanner. Colour options of this mobile are – Obsidian Black and Dawn White.
Specifications of Vivo Y20i
Vivo Y20i will come with a 6.51-inch Full view display with a drop notch design. Vivo Y20i will have a triple rear camera setup including a 13MP main rear camera, a 2MP bokeh camera, and a 2MP macro camera. It will come with an 8MP front selfie camera housed in the drop-notch of the phone. Y20i will feature a Snapdragon 460 processor paired with a 3GB RAM. It will run on FunTouch OS 10.5 based on Android 10. The phone will be powered with a 5,000mAh battery but it will not support fast charging like the Vivo Y20. Vivo Y20i will have a side-mounted fingerprint scanner. Colour options of this mobile are – Nebula Blue and Dawn White.