The chip giant Intel is stepping into the consumer gaming GPU market in the upcoming year with a lot of promise. The new Xe-HPG GPUs will be produced at an external foundry, by the current leading company in this segment, TSMC.
Now, as per the Taiwanese based outlets, it seems that TSMC is confident enough in winning orders for Intel’s next-generation Xe-HPG GPUs. This is reported by IThome (via @harukaze5719), who says these new gaming GPUs from Intel will be produced at TSMC’s fabs.
The Taiwanese company is one of the few to manufacture bleeding-edge fabrication technologies, making it the biggest one in the world currently. These sources have claimed that Intel will be utilizing TSMC’s 6nm process node for its upcoming gaming GPUs.
This will not be an easy battle to get into as it has to compete against the likes of AMD’s new RDNA 2 GPUs and NVIDIA’s upcoming Ampere GPUs by the time they actually get available worldwide. Also if they do so utilize 6nm process node, these GPUs will be first ones to actually do so.
Both NVIDIA and AMD will use TSMC’s 7nm process for their upcoming GPUs while Intel will be opting for TSMC’s 6nm process directly. It will be making use of an advanced version of the EUV lithography tech for 6nm process.
So this offers an 18% increased in logic density over TSMC’s 7nm (N7) process and is also compatible with 7nm design. This will obviously give an edge to these new Intel GPUs.
These Intel gaming graphics cards will be utilizing a standard packaging design that we find on other modern GPUs. So, even if Intel thought of using 7nm at first, as they will launch in 2021, they might be tempted to use 6nm as well because there will be no compatibility issues.
via Wccftech
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