Qualcomm has unveiled its new G-series gaming chips, which will power Android-based handheld devices in the near future. Qualcomm’s gaming portfolio now contains the G3X Gen 1 processor, which powers the Android-based Razer Edge gaming handheld, but the expanded lineup includes many chips with varying degrees of functionality and performance for different market segments.
The G3x Gen 2, G2 Gen 1, and G1 Gen 1 CPUs are part of the new Snapdragon G-series. Starting with the most powerful of the three, the G3x Gen 2 is the successor to the aforementioned G3X Gen 1 and Qualcomm’s new flagship. This is the processor that Qualcomm expects will power the market’s most premium gaming handhelds and provide best-in-class gaming experiences across a broad spectrum of gaming ecosystems.
The Qualcomm Snapdragon G3X Gen 2 is said to be far faster than its predecessor, which is great news for potential customers.
The chip features an octa-core Kryo CPU that Qualcomm claims is more than 30% quicker than the G3X Gen 1, as well as an Adreno A32 GPU that is twice as fast as its immediate predecessor. The processor also includes a slew of gaming-specific features, such as hardware-accelerated ray tracing, game super resolution, XR glass tethering, and others.
In terms of connectivity, the new processor supports Wi-Fi 7, 5G sub-6, and 5G mmWave, as well as low-latency premium Bluetooth audio with Snapdragon Sound Technology Suite. Some manufacturers are already sampling the Snapdragon G3x Gen 2 Handheld Gaming Reference Design, although Qualcomm did not identify the companies that have been granted early access to the technology. There’s no news on when the new chip-powered devices would be ready for purchase, but the business promised that product announcements would come sooner rather than later.
The Snapdragon G2 Gen 1 is the next device in line; it has an Adreno A21 GPU that has been “gaming-optimized” and an octa-core Kryo CPU as well. It comes equipped with Wi-Fi 6/6E from the Qualcomm FastConnect 6700 Mobile Connectivity System and the Snapdragon X62 5G Modem-RF System for connectivity.
Finally, there’s the Snapdragon G1 Gen 1, which boasts an octa-core Kryo CPU and an Adreno A11 GPU. There’s no mention of 5G, but Qualcomm promises “lag-free connectivity and battery life,” which should allow gamers to play their favourite games for longer periods of time without needing to plug in.
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