After months of waiting, Indian Garena Free Fire fans and esports players can now look forward to the game’s return. Garena has inked two memorandums of understanding (MOUs) in the country, one with the Government of Uttar Pradesh and the other with Yotta Data Services, a Hiranandani group company, to manage its Indian services.
This has sparked some speculations and conversations regarding the battle royale title returning to the country. Furthermore, a series of Instagram stories by Diptanshu Saini, co-founder of Chemin Esports, one of the most well-known organizations in this field, has added credibility to them.
Although there is no official explanation, recent developments and Instagram stories by Diptanshu Saini hint that a return of Garena Free Fire is possible.
In one of the most recent stories, he uploaded a photo of Chemin Esports’ FFPL trophy while stating that the wait is now over, implying that the game’s services will be restored shortly.
This suggests that Garena is working behind the scenes to get things back on track. Diptanshu Saini also informed Sportskeeda exclusively that the game would be re-released in India with the Garena Free Fire MAX.
Surprisingly, the original restriction only applied to the ordinary edition of the battle royale title, leaving the enhanced version unaffected. Despite not being on the prohibited application list, the Garena Free Fire MAX version is only available on the Google Play Store, as it was delisted from the App Store alongside the regular version in February 2022.
What makes this even more intriguing is that Garena confirmed spaces for the FFWS 2023, but only two of them were revealed. Given the recent renovations, there is widespread conjecture in the community that these could be to accommodate the Indian team following their return.
The problems began with login issues in early February 2022, and things quickly deteriorated when the game and its improved version were removed from the Apple App Store within hours. On the same day, the Google Play Store followed suit, however, it was only limited to the normal edition.
The ban of the game, along with 53 other applications, was announced on February 14, 2023. Fans and esports players were devastated. Furthermore, FFIC Spring 2022, as well as the other tournaments with a large prize pool scheduled for the year, were canceled. As a result, the reintroduction of Garena’s title, together with the recently relaunched Krafton’s IP BGMI, has the potential to propel esports to new heights.
Also read:
Free Fire Unban News: Here’s all about the game’s possible return in India