Only Apple is expected to introduce the world’s first 3nm processor this year, while Qualcomm is expected to continue with TSMC’s N4P technology for the upcoming Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. According to one analyst, the San Diego company may need to revive its cooperation with Samsung as it considers dual-sourcing for the creation of its own 3nm processor.
According to TF International Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo’s Medium blog post, Qualcomm is facing some issues due to the large expenses necessary for chip design.
The chipset maker recently fired off 415 workers due to a drop in smartphone demand, exposing its difficulties. The higher expenses of 3nm chip development are also one of the reasons why the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 will continue with TSMC’s 4nm process this year, despite Apple accounting for 90 percent of cutting-edge wafer shipments.
Even if Qualcomm switches to TSMC’s N3E process, which is the second iteration of the 3nm process and is said to have a lower production cost, sticking with a single foundry means Qualcomm will have to pay a premium to the Taiwanese manufacturer, which is likely why Kuo has mentioned that Samsung’s 3nm technology will also play a role in future chip development. Qualcomm had previously been rumoured to be investigating a dual-sourcing option including TSMC and Samsung for future chipsets in order to save money.
Because of its advancements in 3nm GAA technology, Samsung may become a viable choice once more, with Qualcomm previously stating that it is analysing samples to determine whether changing to this node is worthwhile. Qualcomm transitioned to TSMC’s 4nm technology for the Snapdragon 8 Plus Gen 1 and Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 due to gains in yields, efficiency, and performance, and the results speak for themselves.
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