Madhav Sheth announced on Wednesday that he is leaving Realme India after working with the Chinese smartphone maker for five years. Earlier this year, he stepped down as the CEO of Realme India and took on the role of Vice President for Business and Corporate Strategy (Global).
Sheth joined the company in 2018 and played a significant role in establishing Realme as a popular Android smartphone brand in India, especially after the launch of Realme 2. The CEO and Founder of Realme, Sky Li, will now be in charge of the business activities in the area, according to Sheth’s statement.
Everything about the Madhav Sheth and Realme
Sheth took to Twitter to share a letter stating that, following discussions with Sky Li, he believed it was time for him to contribute to the country’s export business. He also mentioned that he would continue to serve as a strategic advisor to Realme India, providing guidance on development strategy, global product observations, market insights, and operating suggestions.
In the letter, Sheth expressed his gratitude towards Realme, stating that it had been an important part of his life and more than just an organization. He felt proud of the achievements they had made together over the past five years, witnessing the brand’s growth and success.
Recently, there were reports that Sheth was in talks with PSAV Global, Honor’s partner in India, to assist in the introduction of Honor’s smartphones in the country. However, Sheth did not comment on these discussions at the time.
Although Sheth’s replacement has not yet been formally confirmed by Realme India, Sheth did say that Sky Li would be in charge of the country’s operations. A Realme spokesperson assured customers, partners, and stakeholders that the company’s operations in India would continue smoothly, emphasizing their commitment to delivering high-quality products, exceptional user experiences, and innovative technologies worldwide.