With an investment of over ₹82 crores, New Delhi-based Edtech business Physics Wallah has launched 50 offline centers under the “Vidyapeeth Centres” brand, a senior company official announced on Monday. During the upcoming academic year, the company also intends to award scholarships totalling about 160 crore rupees.
All About Vidyapeeth by Physics Wallah!
“With an investment of USD $10 million (₹82 crores), we have added 50 Vidyapeeth Centres. We will use in-house technological innovation as well as offline solutions to assist students in achieving their objectives. The PW app will allow students to escalate any issue to our central office, and Vidyapeeth centers will provide help for more than 15 hours every day.” Physics Wallah co-founder Prateek Maheshwari told PTI.
Vidyapeeth is a tech-integrated offline classroom with 650 smart classrooms. The ed-tech unicorn already manages 11 Vidyapeeth centers across various cities in the country.
“Through Vidyapeeth, India’s rural students now have access to a world-class education, allowing them to continue their education from their homes. We want to help parents save money that would have been spent on living expenditures like dormitory fees, which are generally twice as expensive as academic tuition”, according to Physics Wallah founder Alakh Pandey.
Students will have access to video quizzes, daily practice problems, and homework supervision through the parent-student dashboard at the Vidyapeeth centers. Additionally, after every class, PW will upload all lectures to its app. In the present academic year, the company has registered over 90,000 students, and it hopes to reach 1.5 lakhs during the session for JEE, NEET, and foundation test preparation.
In a statement, the firm revealed that it has given meritorious students and those who couldn’t afford quality offline education scholarships worth USD 12 million (about ₹98 crores) through PW Scholarship and Admission Test (SAT) for the academic year 2023–24. The corporation intends to award more scholarships totaling USD 20 million (about ₹160 crores) over the upcoming academic year, according to PW.