Last month, Xiaomi introduced the Redmi Note 12 5G smartphone in India. The business has previously introduced a number of smartphones in China under the Redmi Note 12 series. Redmi Note 12 Pro, Note 12 Pro+, Note 12 Pro Speed Edition, and Note 12 Turbo are all part of the lineup. One of these, the Redmi Note 12 Speed Edition, has already gone on sale everywhere under the name Poco X5 Pro. Additionally, the Poco F5 version of the Redmi Note 12 Turbo is scheduled to debut on May 9 in India.
Now, the Chinese manufacturer of smartphones plans to add a new smartphone to its lineup for the local market. Xiaomi has published a Weibo post to formally announce the Redmi Note 12R Pro smartphone’s debut in China. The report provides numerous other data about the phone in addition to the launch date28). There is no information available yet regarding the launch of this smartphone on the international market. The Redmi Note 12R Pro’s price hasn’t been disclosed by the manufacturer either.
Redmi Note 12R Pro Confirmed Specs
In the article, Xiaomi also included a picture of the future smartphone’s back. The Redmi Note 12R Pro shares a similar design profile with the Redmi Note 12 5G, which was just released in India. An improved Note 12 5G smartphone with additional RAM and storage is likely to be called the Note 12R Pro. The 120Hz OLED panel, which is anticipated to be provided by Samsung, will be included on the Redmi Note 12R Pro, according to Xiaomi. The display will also have SGS low blue light eye protection certification.
The smartphone will have up to 12GB of RAM, 256GB of internal storage, and the Snapdragon 4 Gen 1 powering the device. The Redmi Note 12R Pro comes in Black, White, and Gold, according to the Weibo teaser. The smartphone has a dual camera on the back, as shown in the teaser. The primary sensor of the phone, according to rumors, could have 48 megapixels. When the company finally makes the phone official, more information should become available.