We already know that the Nubia Red Magic 5S will be launched in China on July 28 with the latest and the best Snapdragon 865+ SoC with more latest specs. The company’s CEO had hinted the information first and then it appeared in the company’s Weibo account later. Earlier this week we saw some minor renders of the smartphone and now we are here with more news of the launch.
The gaming smartphone brand is going to keep up with the recent trend and will launch two new accessories along with the Red Magic 5S on July 28. The two new gadgets are – Nubia 120W GaN Charger and Nubia Watch.
The Nubia 120W GaN Charger is a power adapter for a smartphone with 120W output capacity that can charge 1/3 of a 4000mAH battery in just 3 minutes. This is not official but it will be nearly similar to this rate of charging. This is not the first 120W charger we are going to have, but we already have the Oppo 125W fast charger, Realme’s 125W fast charger and Xiaomi has also its own 120W fast charger. So these are the one of the best chargers out there in the market.
Now coming to the Nubia Watch, this poster image has not revealed the full image of the smartwatch but from the poster, it can be seen that the smartwatch will have a very large and foldable screen. Though we do not have any specifications of the smartwatch, we are sure that more information will surface in the coming days with the launch date nearing.