Silambarasan TR’s appeared for an upcoming action film ‘Pathu Thala‘ which was dropped by the makers on Saturday during the film’s grand audio launch ceremony. The film has been directed by Obeli N Krishna and also stars Gautham Karthik. Mufti is a 2017 film starring Sivarajsivakumar, who is a leading actor in Kannada cinema. This film is being remade by Krishna Silambarasan, who directed the films ‘Chillunu Oru Kadhal’ and ‘Highway’.
Silambarasan has come with a two-minute trailer starting with a news report that states the Chief Minister of the State has gone missing. All eyes are on AGR, the head of a land mafia, played by Silambarasan. We then see glimpses of a riveting, violent political game. Pathu Thala is the Tamil remake of Shivarajkumar’s 2017 Kannada film Mufti. The film told the story of how an undercover cop tracked down a crime boss. After giving a close look at the trailer, one can assume that Gautham is reprising Sriimurali’s role.
After last year’s Vendhu Thanindhathu Kaadu, the audiences are seeing Simbu in a gangster avatar consecutively. Interestingly, Gautham Vasudev Menon, who directed Vendhu Thanindhathu Kaadu, plays a pivotal antagonist in Pathu Thala.
Pathu Thala also features Priya Bhavani Shankar, Kalaiyarasan, and Teejay. The man behind the music is the Oscar winner AR Rahman in this film starring Gautham Karthik, Priya Bhavani Shankar, and others.
After the shooting of the film was completed recently, the song ‘Namma Chatham’ was released as Silamarasan’s birthday special and has been receiving mixed reviews. In this situation, it was announced that the teaser of the film will be released today at 5.30. Accordingly, the teaser of the film has been released.
Earlier the team had made a promo song to promote the film. But Silambarasan did not participate in this. When we inquired about the reason, it was revealed that he could not participate in this as he was going to learn martial arts in Bangkok.
In order to explain this, the director of the film Krishna posted a post on his Twitter page.
In that explanation, “I want to say something to everyone. Our decision was not to have Silambarasan in the promo video as per our plan.
So don’t malign Silambarasan’s name for unnecessary reasons. Our producer is very clear on how to promote the Batu Thala film. We hate hate speech.”
Pathu Thala: Release Date
The movie will hit the theatres on 30th March 2023.
Here is the teaser:
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