OnePlus has launched its latest flagship OnePlus 11 5G smartphone last month in India and it has created a storm, as we said in our review also, it has all the ingredients to make this a good option for its price. OnePlus is trying to make the smartphone even better with time by pushing new updates very often and a new one is here after just a month of release.
This OnePlus 11 5G’s March update brings February 2023 Android security patch, improves the system stability, improves connectivity options and also the camera usage.
Here is the OnePlus 11 5G update complete changelog:
• Improves system stability.
• Integrates the February 2023 Android security patch to enhance system security.
• Improves the stability and compatibility of Bluetooth connections.
• Improves the stability of network connections for a better user experience.
• Improves the focus capability of the telephoto camera.
• Improves the photo clarity of zoom shots.
Buy the 16GB/256GB variant from Amazon: