India’s most vibrant wearable brand Bluei has launched two gadgets ‘Pulse’ smartwatch and ‘Playpods’ earbuds – the perfect combination of good looks, best-in-class technology, and utility. Bluei Pulse smartwatch is square in shape with 2TFD HD IPS 240*280 pexels. Playpods earbuds are designed in army-colour and the cricket-themed round case looks stylish and attractive and also incredibly comfortable to wear. The earbuds have a 400mAh battery and 6 hours of working time, and 22 hours of playback time. Bluei Pulse can be yours for Rs. 5299 and Bluei Playpods be bought at Rs. 3499.
Bluei takes wearable market by a storm, unveils premium Pulse smartwatch & Playpods
Bluei Pulse Smartwatch
Using Bluetooth technology, the Bluei Pulse makes it simple to make calls from your wrist using the dial pad, excellent speaker, and microphone. The functional crown on this smartwatch also makes it easy to explore the interface and choose between the watch faces according to your preferences. Furthermore, it offers convenience and clarity thanks to its huge 2.0-inch screen and up to 90% screen-to-body ratio.
The watch offers a colourful dial feature that enables you to change the watch’s face to suit your tastes and mood. The watch will be protected from perspiration and spills thanks to the IP68 waterproof rating. The wristwatch is equipped with music and camera control as well as all exercise updates. The smartwatch has a stronger battery life of 5 days.
Bluei Playpods
Bluei unveiled the ultimate round case earphones with an army-green colour and a cricket theme that are not only fashionable and eye-catching but also wonderfully cozy to wear for extended periods of time. Bluei Playpods is equipped with 13mm earpiece speakers and has Voice Assistant for quick actions. With a battery backup of up to 24 hours and 100 hours of standby time, it’s a good option for communication and entertainment. The product has a distinctive and striking design that is likely to draw attention.
The earphones’ overall luxury appearance and feel are enhanced by the circular housing. The hanging rope that is included makes carrying these earbuds easy. Consumers can carry them wherever they go by securing them to their bag, keychain, or backpack. The rope is made of high-quality materials that not only look stylish but also provide a secure and durable hold.
Bluei Director Akhilesh Chopra said, “Bluei has expanded throughout the years as it has worked tirelessly to improve the standard of living in new and youthful India. We have attempted to usher in a culture that is upcoming yet satiating, keeping in mind the diverse requirements and desires of the contemporary age.“
“While all of our goods are designed to improve one’s modern living, we have also urged everyone to avoid hustling culture and live their lives in GenZ mode. Our newest Bluei offers people a smooth experience as they go about their daily lives while keeping everything else the same. The smartwatch and earphones were created for young people in India and are intended for those who multitask expertly and want their technology to help them achieve their goals while keeping their cool and composure”.
Bluei Pulse and Bluei Playpods come with a 1-year warranty and are available at more than 150+ offline stores.
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