Thalapathy Vijay’s action-drama film ’Varisu’ has got a huge response from the audience. After getting a huge response, the movie has set to hit on Amazon Prime Video. The story of the entire film is going to occupy a record number of screens around the entire globe. In this film, we will see Dhilip Subbarayan hold the steering for Vijay in ‘Varisu’. The main reason behind the interval and climax scenes is the director Dhillip Subbarayan.
We can’t deny that the ending of the movie is really heart-touching with the feel of comedy, romance, and sentiment for making this entertaining film. Following the success of two dance numbers ‘Ranjithame’ and ‘Thee Thalapathy’. the makers of ‘Varisu’ have unveiled the third song from the film.
The song has been titled ‘Soul of Varisu’, and Chitra’s vocals will make you want to meet your mother right away. The film deals with a strong mother sentiment, and the latest song has confirmed it as well. ‘Soul Of Varisu’ sung by KS Chitra is a soulful sentimental song that explains the bonding of a mother with her child. KS Chithra has sung a song in Vijay’s film after 21 years, and the legendary singer’s last song for the actor was ‘Angel Vanthale’ in the 2001 Tamil film ‘Badri’.
The audio of the film has launched and has been planned to happen this weekend in Chennai grandly, and several leading stars from across the industries are expected to grace the event. Anirudh Ravichander will be performing his song live at the audio launch, while the composer Thaman will perform all songs of the film. Fans are excited to catch the speech of actor Vijay at the audio launch since it will be the actor’s speech at a public event after 3 years.
Varisu: Release Date
On Amazon Prime Video, the movie will hit on three several languages like Tamil, Telugu & Malayalam. The cinephiles will be able to see the film on 22nd February 2023.
Here is the trailer:
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