Apart from launching the flagship Samsung Odyssey G8 OLED Curved Gaming Monitor, Samsung also announced the affordable Odyssey G5 2023 QHD Gaming Monitor in India today. This marks the fourth SKU in the portfolio to be launched recently and goes to show its interest in the rising market of India.
Samsung Odyssey G5 QHD Gaming Monitor 2023 is here – All You Need to Know
This 27-inch Odyssey G5 QHD Gaming Monitor is a successor to the very cool Odyssey G5 from 2022, so retains most of the features from its predecessor. It still retains that 1000R curvature that makes it stand out from the rest, same 16:9 aspect ratio, HDR10 support and 2,560 x 1,440 resolution.
With up to 300 nits of peak brightness, 1ms response time and an upgraded 165Hz refresh rate, the Odyssey G5 (2023) could be your next affordable QHD Gaming Monitor. Also, it retains the AMD FreeSync Premium feature to reduce lags, screen tearing and helps you a lot if you have an AMD GPU.
Exclusive gaming features like Flicker Free, Black Equalizer, Low Input Lag Mode and Refresh Rate Optimizer make your gaming experience even richer. If you love to use the monitor for long hours, the Eye Saver Mode will be a real help, standard ports like DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0, USB Type-C and a 3.5mm headphone jack are there.
Currently, this curved borderless gaming monitor has been launched in India for ₹26,299 with 3 years warranty, so if you are intending to get one for yourself, head over to Samsung India and order it right away. As a part of the launch offer, this gaming monitor also includes Exchange and No Cost EMI offers, visit Samsung India: https://lite.bz/sI31eN