Realme India launched the 30W Dart Charge 10,000mAh Power Bank today. The price of this power bank is set at Rs.1,999 and it will be available on July 21 at 12 PM on and Flipkart.
Realme 30W Dart Charge 10000mAh Power Bank is a two-way charger that means it can take both input and output at the same 30W power. The claims that this power bank will be able to fully charge a Realme device in roughly 1 hour 40 minutes and same goes for the power bank as well, the 1000mAh battery fully charges within 1 hour 36 minutes.
Specification of Realme 30W dart Charge 10000mAh Power Bank:
As mentioned by the company’s website Realme 30W Dart Power Bank will come with a carbon-fiber body and will have a capacity of 10,000mAh. It will support multiple fast-charging solutions such as Dart, VOOC, QC, and so on. The company has not revealed all the solutions but these are the few mentioned on the website. The power bank will also feature 15-layer charging protection.
There will be a low current mode on the Realme 30W Dart Power Bank, just like the Power Bank 2 (10,000mAh), to charge Bluetooth-enabled devices such as Truly Wireless earbuds, speakers, and more or to be exact AIoT devices.
It will support the charging of two devices simultaneously through its USB Type-C and USB Type-A ports. Realme claims that this power bank can charge Realme 6 up to 65 percent in just 30 minutes and the power bank itself can be fully charged within 1 hour 36 minutes. Realme 30W Dart Power Bank further has LED lights to indicate its battery level.
Read the in-depth review of Realme Power Bank 2 (10,000mAh) here: