After months in beta, WhatsApp has finally begun a wider rollout of the option that allows you to message yourself. At first glance, this may appear to be an unnecessary feature, but if you use WhatsApp on multiple devices and want to share documents or data with yourself, this feature is far more useful than you might think.
With this feature, WhatsApp users will no longer have to rely on other methods to send an important document or image to themselves.
The feature works as intended, and you can even talk to yourself if you want, but that isn’t the point here. The feature is primarily intended for busy people who want to send themselves a link or two from time to time.
The update is now being widely distributed to Android and iOS users. If you want to know how to message yourself on WhatsApp, simply open the menu and select the contacts with whom you want to chat. Your name will be at the top of the list; tap on it to begin chatting.
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