Sony LIV has dropped the teaser of Sudhir Mishra’s new crime drama show Jehanabad, Parambrata in a still from Jehanabad. After watching the teaser, Sudhir Mishra’s new crime shows are looking very promising. The show has been Directed by Rajeev Barnwal and Satyanshu Singh, the new show will soon be released on Sony LIV. Ritwik Bhowmik, Harshita Gaur, and Parambrata Chattopadhyay play the lead roles in the web series.
The teaser starts with two men on a bike talking about cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni. One of them says, “Is he a Sardar?” And the other one responds with, “No way, he is a Rajput. A Sardar! And, why are you even stuck between these castes – Rajput, Sardar, etc.? He is very much like us. He came from grass root level and rose to this stature.” The first person then describes Dhoni’s infamous helicopter shot.
Soon, they cover their faces and are ready for an attack. They have to exploit the gated compound and flee away before cops emerge from inside the compound. It has been inspecting a package lying near the gate. The shocking exposure of a chopped-off head comes across as a jolt as the teaser comes to an end. Before the end, Parambrata has appeared like he is handed over a message carved on a soap bar. The message says “gaddar khata” and he has been handcuffed.
After sharing the teaser, Sudhir wrote on Twitter, “Watch! Introducing a rare talent: director Rajeev Baranwal. Terrific cast. Congratulations @001Danish ,@saugatam @Indranil160. As a mentor, I also learn from those I guide. Mubarak @ritwikbhowmikk @HarshitaGaur12 @paramspeak #Rajatkapoor #satyadeepmishra #sonaljha & #Rajeshjais.”
The story has been inspired by true events, show Jehanabad is a crime drama set in a small town of Bihar in 2005. Provided by the teaser, the show seems to be set in the backdrop of the 2005 incident in which 372 prisoners escaped from Jehanabad jail having a Naxalites attack in November 2005.
Sudhir Mishra is a showrunner for Jehnabad. The previous outing was the Indian remake of the famous Israeli show Fauda. The story of Tanaav was set in the backdrop of tensions in Kashmir and traced a group of special unit cops as they dealt with various terror elements in the valley.
Jehanabad: Release Date
Sony LIV has not even confirmed the official release date of the new web series, but it will release very soon.
Here is the teaser: