Apple unveiled the new iPhone 14 series in September, with a slew of upgrades and additions. While the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max have been selling like hotcakes, the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus have not. According to the most recent reports, Apple is considering lowering the price of next year’s iPhone 15 and larger Plus in response to decreasing demand for the iPhone 14 and its ‘Plus’ edition. Scroll down to learn more about the topic.
The Cupertino giant thinking of cutting prices for its upcoming iPhone 15
As previously stated, demand for the basic iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus remains low in comparison to the ‘Pro’ variants. A yuex1122 on Naver reported the rumour, implying that Apple is considering lowering the price of the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus. While it appears unlikely, it may represent a move that should benefit Apple. This is because the corporation is increasing the price difference between the ordinary versions and the ‘Pro’ ones, and a larger price difference makes more sense for consumers.
The iPhone 14 offers little to no advantage over the iPhone 13, which is one of the main reasons why people are considering purchasing the latter directly from Apple for $200 cheaper than the preceding. The iPhone 14 Plus costs $900 and has a larger screen and battery capacity than the original phone. Customers can just spend $200 more to upgrade to the iPhone 14 Pro Max, which features significant modifications in terms of design, display, camera, A16 Bionic CPU, and much more.
According to a post by yeux1122 on Naver (translation), the flagging sales of the iPhone 14 Plus are “far beyond” even Apple’s lowest estimates and Apple is considering new strategies with the iPhone 15 to reverse the trend.
Apple plans its phone releases years in advance, so it’s unlikely to cancel its plans for the iPhone 15 Plus. However, Apple is “seriously” considering a price reduction […]
Yyeux1122 has a decent track record for leaks, accurately predicting the iPhone 14 Pro’s price, chip, and colors, as well as the 10th-gen iPad’s design changes and release date.
It also speculated on how much Apple would charge for the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus. However, if Apple intends to reduce the price of the iPhone 15 Plus, it must also reduce the price of the iPhone 15. If the price is reduced from $900 to $800, the ‘Plus’ model will cost the same as the ordinary model. The normal iPhone 15 price would now be $700, the same as Apple charged for the iPhone 13 small.
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