Arjun Kapoor’s upcoming movie ‘Kuttey’ has come with a new trailer. The film, ‘ Kuttey’ has featured Arjun Kapoor, Tabu, Naseeruddin Shah, Konkona Sensharma, Radhika Madan, and Kumud Mishra is out and unlike many others, this one does not give out too much of its plot in the almost three-minute clip. The style of the film is quite reminiscent of Vishal Bhardwaj’s Kaminey, who is a co-writer and producer of the film. Kuttey is his son Aasmaan Bhardwaj’s directorial debut. The end of the trailer carries the iconic theme music from Kaminey.
Arjun and Tabu will be seen in the role of the police officers as somehow attached to gangsters and trying to maintain in this dog-eat-dog world. The movie fills a good dose of black humor, the kind that is often seen in Vishal’s films.
Kuttey: Plot
Vishal Bhardwaj, in an earlier statement, told about working with their son Aasmaan, and said, “Kuttey is extremely special to me as it is my first collaboration with Aasmaan and I’m excited to see what he does with it. Luv Films and Vishal Bhardwaj Films are also coming together for the first time and I am immensely excited about this association, as I really admire Luv’s brave attitude towards filmmaking and strong commercial sense.”
Described as a ‘caper’, the film has three gangs fighting against each other for crores of rupees. The film’s official bio reads, “A van carrying crores of cash. One rainy night on the outskirts of Mumbai. Unaware of each other, three stray gangs cross paths on the hunt. Unfortunately, all of them have the same plan. Bullets… Blood… Betrayal… It’s every man for himself… All the dogs are after one bone. Will these dogs bite the bone, or will they lose to greed?”
Produced by Luv Ranjan, Vishal Bhardwaj, Ankur Garg, and Rekha Bhardwaj, the film has been co-written by Aasmaan and Vishal Bharadwaj. Vishal has also composed the music for the film with lyrics by Gulzar.
Kuttey: Release Date
Arjun Kapoor’s upcoming film Kuttey, has been Directed by Aasmaan Bhardwaj. The movie has scheduled to hit on 13th January 2023.
Here is the trailer:
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