Sony Pictures has dropped the official trailer of the Sci-fi film ‘65‘. Adam Driver’s popular sci-fi thriller film faced several delays for the release date. The film at last set to hit at the end of 2022, still we can’t deny the chance to move in 2023. The first look at the film can boost the dopamine level of the viewers. In this, the slight tease of a horror driver going to face a foreign and hostile planet.
The 25-second teaser is really enough for the fans to make a scenario in their mind about this sci-fi horror. The story starts by cutting to Driver who had slept on the ground on a dark, desolate planet. Due to the deficiency of light and muted look, the world becomes oppressive got humans.
The character of the driver suddenly awakens after the alarm goes off. He might have proximity sensors has been placed across the sleeping area in case of something might approach. We are expecting it will switch soon from a more steadily blinking orange to the violently flashing red like the thing approaches from the darkness.
The plot details have been closed to so far. The trailer tomorrow is set to shine finally based on what’s coming with the movie. Recently, we know that story revolves around an astronaut who has crashed on an alien planet to feel he’s not alone. The driver has played a period addiction who has lost once due to substance abasement, after facing a horrific accident, he collaborates with a multilingual 9-year-old file like they both have tried desperately to survive.
65: Cast
The characters depict beautifully with driver along with two of the coming-of-age young actresses in Ariana Greenblatt, who will see next Greta Gerwig’s Barbie along with the Borderlands, and Chloe Coleman set to appear on the big screen after this week. However, we are going to see Sam Raimi as the producer. Along with the writing duo like Scott Beck and Bryan Woods. The producers are Deborah Liebling and Zainab Azizi.
65: Release Date
The sci-fi thriller film has set to hit on 10th March 2023.
Here is the trailer:
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