With over 30 million people online at once during the last weekend, Steam has once again surpassed its own concurrent record. According to SteamDB, on Sunday, October 23, there were 30,032,005 players online, and the top five games were Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Dota 2, Lost Ark, Apex Legends, and PUBG: Battlegrounds. Not all 30 million gamers were playing a game; some may have been looking around the store, interacting with others in communities, and other activities.
With a peak of about 1.05 million concurrent players, Counter-Strike was by far the weekend’s top performer. Dota 2 peaked at roughly 750,000, and after that there was a noticeable decline because PUBG peaked at 442,148, which was higher than Dota 2.
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Steam has repeatedly seen its record for concurrent users shattered.
The peak occurred at 27.3 million over Thanksgiving weekend 2021, and a few months later it reached 28 million. Although it has varied between those figures, this is the first time it has surpassed the 30 million threshold.
Steam has experienced some major highs in recent months with the availability of Steam Decks increasing and Cyberpunk 2077 seeing a bit of a revival with over one million people entering Night City daily. The Christmas season, as well as Steam’s upcoming Autumn Sale (November 22–29) and Winter Sale (December 22–January 5), will surely attract even more players to the platform, thus this record might not last for very long.
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