This year one of the most successful Hindi films with a lot of controversies Brahmastra set to hit on Disney + Hotstar. The duo means Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s film will hit this November. Ayan Mukerji directed the film. In this film, we will see Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy, and Nagarjuna Akkineni. This is the first part of the trilogy, Brahmastra: Part One Shiva was dropped on 9th September and has collected more than Rs. 425 crores across the globe.
The story of the film follows Amitabh Bachchan sir who is telling us how all the five elements have held the powers stored in ‘Astras’ means weapons since the ancient era and that starts from the tale of the God of all Astras- the Brahmastra. Ranbir Kapoor features Shiva who is a box next door. He is totally unknown of the fact that he is somehow connected with the Brahmastra. He meets his love interest Isha and we have seen the romance between the two until we and Isha become aware of the secret of Shiva that fire cannot burn him.
Shiva starts to realize that ancient powers are at play in this world from two sides that face off in the battle to get their hands on the Brahmastra. The trailer shows glimpses of the goof guts like Amitabh Bachchan and Nagarjuna and Mouni Rot as the villain. The character of Amitabh Bachchan tells Shiva the story of how he become connected to this world of Astras and after that Shiva gets the purpose of his life as the savior had meant to be.
The actor Ranbir Kapoor gives a statement by sharing a film for a digital audience. The actor has shared his special journey and said, “especially Aryan’s grand vision of creating India’s original new cinematic universe has been a once-in-a-lifetime experience! The phenomenal response from global audiences after the theatrical release has been truly overwhelming,” additionally the aim to have a digital premiere is to bring the movie even closer to the audience across the country. There is an Instagram post shared on it.
From her part, Alia Bhatt shared, “Brahmastra has been a very special and close film to me and all of us involved. As an actor, I am honored to be part of such a grand vision. It has been no less than a celebration worldwide, and we cannot wait to bring Brahmastra closer to fans with the OTT release. Once again, Brahmastra is now yours!”
The director Atan Mukerji added that the journey of bringing Brahmastr4a to life has been a ‘very exciting and challenging one. He said that he is very grateful to audiences all over the world who have embraced the film with their over4whelming love and support. “Brahmastra is a grand celebration of our rich Indian culture, of our spirituality, and a product of where our unique history meets with technology.”
Brahmastra: Release Date
Brahmastra will hit on Disney+ Hotstar on 4th November 2022.
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