Google rolled out the Android 11 Developer Preview for Android TVs that brings better privacy, smoother performance, and better connectivity features. Though only the developers can reach to this update for now. That means users, having the Android TV box ADT-3 will get Android 11 Developer preview update. This ADT-3 box is mainly for the developers, but Google also made this available for the public at $80.
If you own particular this Android TV box, then you also can get the taste of Android 11 before anyone else. For that, you need to download the OS and manually flash it to your TV. You should keep in mind that, all the previous data will be removed and can’t be restored again. You also can’t come back to the Android 10 again.
The company says they bring some of the features of the latest android to the Android TV but the online reports and some of the users’ social media posts said exactly the opposite. Just like the absence of the “Live” tab which was expected to be in the Preview version.
The developers probably add more customer-demanded features to the Android TV OS before releasing the stable version for all. If you have ADT-3 already then you can enjoy the latest developer preview version, as I mentioned earlier. Otherwise, you have to wait for the stable release.
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