Fire-Boltt, India’s No 1 smartwatch brand has launched its latest smartwatch – ‘Dazzle Plus’. The smartwatch is enabled with Bluetooth Calling and comes with the biggest display in the category with a 1.83” screen in a square dial. The timepiece comes with smart notifications along with an upgraded health suite, at the most affordable introductory price of Rs 1599. Promising great clarity with the best-in-class resolution, the sleek watch comes with a rotation button to navigate through the multiple features.
Speaking about the new launch, Aayushi Kishore and Arnav Kishore, Co-Founders of Fire-Boltt said, “Since Diwali is around the corner, most of us are working on our gifting list for family and friends. Dazzle Plus makes for a thoughtful gift that will show that you care for your loved ones. It makes for a gift that most would love to receive, and will be useful too. It is apt for youngsters who would love to flaunt it for its style and for adults who can use it to track their activity levels and maintain their fitness. It will be a great gift for parents and elderlies too as it tracks health vitals and reminds about activity level.”
Fire-Boltt’s BT calling smartwatch Dazzle Plus all set to enchant this festive season
Dazzle Plus is a smartwatch made for today’s generation that likes to stay in tune with changing trends. The watch lets you choose from more than 100 cloud-based watch faces to go with your ever-changing moods. Ideal for sports enthusiasts, it has 60 sports modes, and is IP 68 certified, making it dustproof and sweatproof. It becomes your ultimate fitness partner with SpO2 Monitoring, Heart Rate Tracking, and Sleep Monitoring. The smartwatch has a Smart assistant that gives weather updates, sedentary reminders, and water reminders. The smartwatch also enables camera control, music control and comes with features like an alarm, timer, and smartwatch control, making life easier for you.
Available in Black, Blue, Gold, Silver, and Black Gold colors, Dazzle Plus has a strong battery life of 5-8 days on normal usage and 30 days on standby. This festive season, light up your Diwali with Dazzle Plus, the pocket-friendly smartwatch with superior features.
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