At last the trailer of Akshay Kumar’s upcoming film, ‘Ram Setu’ has been released. The film features Jacqueline Fernandez also dropped. In the new video, Akshay Kumar has played the role of an archaeologist who is on a desperate mission to protect the mythical Ram Setu. Khiladi Kumar has prepared in a suit that is uncannily quite similar to a spacesuit as he deep-dived underwater.
The story is still a mystery because we can understand that Akshay has just three days to protect the Ram Setu which going to refer to the mythical bridge built by the vanar sena in Ramayana. There is a short glimpse of Jacqueline Fernandez, Nusrat Bharuccha, and Satyadev Kancharam.
The latest tension-filled teaser unveils Akshay, an archaeologist, running through the forests, and also sliding down muddy paths, and fighting explosions and bullets. The film has similarities with The Mummy, National Treasure, and Titanic.
Ram Sethu has referred to such a chain of limestone that shoals located in-between Rameswaram Island, off the south-eastern coast of Tamil Nādu, and manner island, on the north-western coast of Sri Lanka. As we all know that in the Hindu epic Ramayana, lord Rama built the bridge when he reached Lanka to rescue Maa Siya from the evil Ravana.
Recently, Akshay Kumar has described the film as a “bridge between generations past, present, and future. For the first time, the film was declared on Diwali 2020 with a poster in which Akshay is seen to be standing against an image of Lord Ram. The poster has been captioned, “Myth or reality?” the teaser unveils some glimpses of the underwater bridge.
Ram Setu: Cast
Ram Setu has been directed by Abhishek Sharma and has been co-produced by Cape of Good Films along with Amazon Prime Video, Abundantia Entertainment, and Lyca productions.
Ram Setu: Release Date
Akshay Kumar’s new film is set to hit on 25th October 2022, on the occasion of Diwali.
Here is the trailer:
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