Banaras is an upcoming romantic drama film that has a poignant love story that has been set in the backdrop of the gorgeous Banaras city that has been popularly known as Kashi and Varanasi. The director of the film Jatathirhta is known as Olave Mandara, Tony Endendigu, Bullet Basya Beautiful Manasugalu, and the Kannada film Bell Bottom with many more.
Banaras is a very romantic love drama with a rich legacy, and culture of Banaras. It has been said that the first South Indian film is completely shot in the holy city, and will feature all of the main ghats. The film depicts the religious significance of Mukti Bhagwan and Bharat Mata Mandir depicts the heritage past. The mysterious love drama mainly focuses on the peculiar profession of death photography that is literally the practice in Banaras.
Banaras: Cast
The romantic entertainer features young and quite dashing actor Zaid Khan for the lead role as Sidharth Simha and Sandalwood actress Sonali Monteiro appears in the opposite named as Shani. The SIMA Award-winning actress has also appeared in films like MLA, Panchatantra, Abhisaarike, and Robert among others.
We will see many such leading star cast in the film like Sujay Shashtry as Shambhu, Devaraj as Ajay Simha, Achyuth Kumar as Narayan Shastry, Barkath Ali features Peter Jackson and Sapna Raj.
For the technical form, Aithagurumurthy also cranked on the camera, K.M. Prakash also handled the editing work, and B. Ajaneesh Lokaneth also composed the music along with the original score of the film.
Banaras: Release date
On the day of Ganesh Chaturthi on 31st August, the makers of the movie just exposed the release date of the film along with the poster featuring the lead stars Zaid Khan and Sonali Monteiro. The official trailer unlocks on 27th September 2022. After that, the makers confirm that the film will hit in several languages like Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam languages on 4th November 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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