Flipkart customers could book the iPhone 13 as low as Rs 50,000 during the Big Billion Day sale. But the E-commerce platform Flipkart is canceling Apple iPhone 13 orders on its platforms.
It has been impossible to avoid Flipkart’s Big Billion Days marketing campaign, from ads on television and digital platforms to constant reminders and promotions on social media. The ninth edition of Flipkart’s Big Billion Days Sale runs from September 23 to 30.
iPhone 13 orders are being canceled on Flipkart
The Flipkart Big Billion Days sale that started last week, brings a host of offers on products ranging from electronics, smartphones and kitchen appliances to apparel, fashion accessories and a lot more. One important segment that has garnered huge attraction among online customers is the smartphone and electronic segment. However, one peculiar thing that people have been complaining about this time is the cancellation of their iPhone 13 orders.
Customers could book the 128 GB variant of the iPhone 13 at just Rs 50,000. As of now, the variant is unavailable on Flipkart across several pin codes, including Delhi. During the course of the Big Billion Days sale, the iPhone 13 was available for Rs 46,990 for a limited period of time.
Quickly after this, customers took to Twitter to specify their frustration at Flipkart. A consumer wrote, “I ordered iPhone 13 utilizing Flipkart but it surely bought auto-canceled after 3 days. Tried calling the shopper care middle however didn’t get a passable reply. Please test Flipkart.”
Other consumers tweeted, “Persons are shopping for iPhone (128GB) from Amazon and Flipkart on this sale at such massive scale in such a manner by which chhole bhature runs out on the native vendor’s stall.”
Other users have complained about refunds taking longer than usual to process, particularly for iPhone 13 orders. This could spell trouble for individuals who cannot place another order until the original amount has been refunded while the sale ends this Friday, September 30.
Flipkart did not offer a specific reason for the cancellation of iPhone 13 orders, but it appears to be a case of demand outweighing supply. However, the e-commerce retailer could remedy some of the confusion by providing additional clarification to buyers. “As a customer-focused e-Commerce marketplace, we encourage sellers to prioritize the customers’ orders and strive to keep them delighted with their service.”- Flipkart Spokesperson.