Sanjay Mishra’s new film trailer, ‘Woh 3 Din‘ really enhances a craziness among the fans. In this upcoming film, we will see Sanjay Mishra playing the role of a rickshaw puller, pursuing life as a simple man Rambharose. Suddenly, some uninvited trouble hit into the life of the rickshaw puller while he has going to earn Rs. 3000.
The story premise follows the village in Uttar Pradesh while the trailer starts with the voice who has asked for the name of someone and addressing another such voice replies. The dialogue in the trailer, “ Risckshaw wala kaha kisi ka naam pata puch ke baithata hao.” After that, we will see Sanjay pulling the rickshaw along with a bridge when Rajesh Sharma takes a seat on it. It’s very early that Chanda Roy Sanyal comes with an offer to Sanjay for doing some work in exchange for Rs. 3000 for three days.
The rickshaw puller unable to reject the offer at least thinking about his daughter and his wife, at last Rambharose becomes ready to do the job. After granting this offer his life becomes completely suspenseful drama and fear. At the end of the trailer, we have seen Rambharose claiming, “I will never do such a thing again. I am an honest man.”
Sanjay Mishra also dropped the trailer on his social media handle, and wrote, “To %#daria with love #Pitambari mata ka aashirwad sab par bana rahe kam se kam hum teeno par awashya bana rahe #woh3din.”
Woh 3 Din: Cast
In this film, we will see Raaj Aashoo as the director, and the writer is Seppi Jha. The film has featured Chandan Roy Sanyal, Rajesh Sharma, Patel Mukherjee, Rakesh Shrivastava, 4rqam Singh Rajput, and Purva Parag.
The film has traveled a long way for film festivals and got two international awards among which one is from Falcon International Fest, London and the other was the Gold Award at Latitude movies.
Woh 3 Din: Release Date
The new suspense thriller drama film will hit on 30th September 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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