After Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh come for the opening episode of Koffee With Karan 7. In the new trailer, we have seen gorgeous Katrina Kaif along with her two partners Ishaan Khattar and Siddhant Chaturvedi as the solution for this. When Alia had broken the term about suhaagraat that’s just become a myth while Katrina suggested, “It does not always have to be a ‘Suhaag Raat’.
It can also be a Suhaag din”. Karan also replied that he just loved the suggestion. Katrina and Vicky Kaushal had been earlier married this year in Rajasthan as it has been attended only with their family ad closest friends.
This is mainly indicating Katrina’s co-stars belong to Phone Booth as it claimed they both had been very single. Siddhant also told that he is very single even Ishaan can be hanging out with him on a funny note. The duo had seen as competitive like they can play the game the accompany Katrina.
By cracking up Karan. Karan has asked her about the latest thirst traps, she just said, “ The trio also played a bunch of games with Karan
Koffee With Karan has got such divisive reactions with every season. The hold is currently pointing while he said in an interview, “A lot of the hate sometimes is entertaining because I wonder why they are cursing it so much, but also watching it?
I read the threads on Twitter and other portals; reels and reels of discourse that people can have the KWK… and it will feel very moved and touched. I’m like, that’s a lot of time you have taken out of your lives to write such a long column on something that you hated so much.”
We have seen before that Koffee With Karan hosted by Tiger Shroff and Kriti Sanon, Kabir Singh features Kiara Advani and Shahid Kapoor, the boys from Punjab Sidharth Malhotra, and Vicky Kaushal. Arjun Kapoor, Sonam Kapoor, Akshay Kumar, and Samantha Ruth Prabhu.
Koffee With Karan (Season 7- Episode 10): Release Date
Koffee With Karan’s Episodes 10 will be available this Thursday at 12:00 a.m. only on Disney + Hotstar.
Here is the trailer:
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