On Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi claimed that digital payments had achieved record highs and that the nation’s inventions in this area, such the BHIM-UPI, were attracting interest from all around the world.
During an official event in Mangaluru, where he also lay the cornerstone for various development projects totaling Rs 3,800 crore, Modi stated that people desire reliable access and fast, affordable internet. He continued by saying that 600,000 kilometres of optical fibre connected gramme panchayats.
“The facility of 5G is going to bring a new revolution in this field. I am glad that the double-engine government of Karnataka is also working to fulfil the needs and aspirations of the people at a fast pace,” Modi said.
In response to recent GDP results, Modi claimed that the Covid-19 pandemic government measures had been crucial to the development of the nation. “Last year, despite so many global disruptions, India’s exports were worth about $670 billion. Overcoming every challenge, India made a new record with merchandise exports of $418 billion,” he said.
The prime minister stated that the services sector was likewise headed for significant growth and that every sector connected to the nation’s growth engine was operating at full capacity.
The government’s Production-linked Incentive (PLI) schemes had a highly noticeable effect on the manufacturing industry. Modi said that “The entire electronic manufacturing sector including mobile phones has grown manifold,” and added that the manufacturing sector must be expanded to establish a developed India.
The Prime Minister also drew attention to the developing toy industry, which has contributed to a reduction in toy imports over the past three years while simultaneously boosting toy exports by the same amount. According to Modi, the government’s initiatives have led to a huge rise in coastal traffic throughout the years.
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