In August 2020, Swiggy paved the way for Quick commerce in India through the launch of Swiggy Instamart. Based on an analysis of millions of orders on Swiggy Instamart between the June 2021- June 2022 period, Swiggy, India’s leading on-demand delivery platform, has unveiled key insights about India’s home delivery trends.
Swiggy unveils Instamart trends of Indians
Orders on Instamart have grown 16X in the past year, and consumers in the cities of Bengaluru, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Delhi, and Chennai are the app’s biggest users. These cities also saw the maximum orders for distress items, including sanitary napkins, menstrual cups and tampons (Close to 2 million units ordered in the past year) and band-aids (45,000 boxes). Notably, Mumbai customers ordered condoms 570 times more in the past 12 months than they did in the year before.
In the peak summer months of April to June, demand for ice cream in these cities surged by 42% – and most orders were placed after 10 PM. Consumers also picked up over 5.6 million packets of instant noodles. With temperatures reaching an all-time high in Hyderabad in these summer months, users ordered close to 27,000+ bottles of fresh juice.
Another product whose demand shot up in the past two years is eggs – with 50 million orders. Bangalore, Delhi, and Mumbai placed an average of 6 million egg orders each in the past year. At breakfast time, Bangalore and Hyderabad customers ordered the maximum number of eggs for breakfast.
While 30 million orders for another breakfast staple – milk – were placed on the app, with Bangalore and Mumbai leading morning orders. But Bangalore also ordered the most dairy alternatives like soy and oat milk. Interestingly, ready-to-eat versions of Poha and Upma, Indian breakfast classics, were popular during dinner in Bangalore, Mumbai, and Delhi.
An impressive volume – 62,000 tons (approximately the weight of 15,500 Asian elephants) of fruits and vegetables were ordered on Instamart over the past year, and the app saw a 58X increase in organic fruit and vegetable orders. With 1,2000 orders, Bangalore topped the list of organic produce buyers. While Hyderabad and Bangalore, together, ordered over 290 tons of green chillies in 12 months.
Over 2 lakh orders for bathroom cleaners, scrub pads, drain cleaners, and more were placed in the past year.