Ola Electric is gearing up to enter the four-wheeler EV space in India soon and it will debut its first creation this Independence Day. Bhavish Aggarwal, CEO of the EV company, acknowledged as much two days before the formal premiere by posting a brief video of the electric car to his Twitter accounts. The co-founder teased a video of the right rear wheel of the electric car saying, “Picture abhi baaki hai mere dost.”
The tweet also mentions that a new product will be revealed on August 15, along with the company’s future plans in the EV space. Ahead of its unveiling, sources close to the project have revealed that the first Ola EV is aiming to deliver more than 500km of range.
Ola Electric Cars
Ola Electric has teased multiple EVs, including an SUV-coupe, a large sedan, and a hatchback. Ola has announced a $500 million (approx Rs 4,000 crore) investment for setting up its Battery Innovation Centre in Bengaluru.
The ride-hailing giant will build a state-of-the-art battery R&D center which will be the largest and most advanced in Asia as per the brand. This move will help Ola in developing more affordable EVs in a shorter period of time.
On the 75th anniversary of India’s independence, Ola Electric will release two more ‘new products. They’re probably going to be cheaper electric scooters than the company’s top model, the S1 Pro. It’s also possible that Ola will reveal plans for a new factory where the EV and its batteries would be designed and manufactured.
The Ola Electric team has marked the 15th of August as a pivotal day. On this day last year, Ola introduced its first electric scooter. The EV manufacturer promoted both the S1 and S1 Pro models, however only the S1 Pro is available to purchase now.
The ‘greenest EV’ yet from Ola Electric has been teased for release. The second item is anticipated to be a cheaper alternative to the S1 Pro scooter. If the EV manufacturer has ceased selling the S1 despite its introduction, Ola may as well make adjustments to the S1 Pro’s base model and introduce it as a new variant.
Ola CEO Bhavish Aggarwal said that this feature is being developed to make the upcoming four-wheeler EV on par with the likes of Tesla and Rivian, eventually, when the testing and development are complete. Bhavish Aggarwal also confirmed that this feature is being developed keeping the global market in mind and not just India, shedding light on the ambitious global plans of the Indian automaker.
In a big move, Ola has confirmed that it is shutting down its used cars (Ola Cars) and Ola dash (quick e-commerce service) verticals. The used car platform, Ola Cars, was launched in October 2021, and has bit the dust in under a year. The company officials had earlier suggested a sub-10 lakh electric hatchback. More details will be revealed on August 15.